
There are two conditions that can damage the feet; diabetic neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease. Diabetic neuropathy is when nerve damage occurs due to diabetes and it interferes with the ability to sense pain and temperature. Due to this condition, a person might not notice problems with his or her feet and are at risk to develop foot ulcers. These foot ulcers might go unnoticed and can lead to an infection.

Peripheral vascular disease occurs when there is inadequate blood flow to the feet. This lack of blood flow increases the time it takes to heal cuts and sores. Therefore, leading to infections that won’t heal.

Athlete's foot is caused by a fungus. This fungus causes itching, redness and cracking. When your heels are cracked, the fungus can enter and cause an infection. Athlete’s foot can be treated with anti-fungal medications.

Fungal nail infections are when the nails become infected with a fungus. Your toenails may become discolored, thick and brittle and may separate from the rest of the nail. Check the color of your toenails: if they are thick, brittle, yellow-brown or opaque, you might have a fungal nail infection. Most of these infections are difficult to treat and require oral medications to cure the infection.

Calluses occur when there is a build-up of hard skin on the bottom of the feet. They happen when there is uneven weight distribution, a skin abnormality or badly fitting shoes. To treat calluses, rub the area with a pumice stone after washing, place insoles in your shoes or ask your doctor for prescription medication.

Corns are a thick build-up of skin between your toes. They are caused by pressure and friction. To treat corns, use a pumice stone but ask your doctor first. Do not use over the counter treatments.

Blisters occur when there is friction on your skin to cause a raised fluid-filled area. To care for a blister, keep the area clean and apply antibacterial cream and cover it with a bandage. Do not pop a blister because the skin is protecting you from infection.

Bunions form on your big toe joint. They make the big toe angle inward and can be on both feet. A cause of bunions is wearing wrong size high heels. You can cover the bunion with a foam cushion to protect it. You might need surgery to alleviate the pain.

Dry skin can allow bacteria to enter the body which could lead to infection. Use moisturizers to keep your skin soft and intact.  

Foot ulcers are wounds that can lead to infections. People with diabetes if they get a sore, it will take time to heal and could lead to a foot ulcer. So take care if you have diabetes and develop a foot sore, go to your doctor for proper treatment. Remember foot ulcers are dangerous.

Hammertoes occur when there are weakened muscles in your toes. Your tendons shorten and cause the toes to contradict. Some people are prone to hammertoes due to genetics while others get them from wearing too-small shoes. They cause problems such as calluses, sores, blisters and makes it difficult to walk. Corrective footwear can help treat hammertoes.

Ingrown toenails happen when the nail starts growing into the skin. It causes pain, pressure and can cut into your skin which could lead to an infection. There are many things that can cause ingrown toenails such as ill-fitting shoes, walking, toe crowding, and badly cut toenails. To prevent them, cut your toenails and keep them trim. If the nails are severely ingrown, medical treatment might be needed.  

Plantar warts occur on the soles of your feet and look like small black spots. Most of these warts occur due to a virus. They are painful but do not use over the counter medicine to treat them. Go to your doctor for treatment.

Take preventive care of your feet to stop problems before they can occur. Here are some tips to keep foot problems in check. If you have diabetes, pay close attention to your feet by checking for redness, blisters, sores, calluses and other signs of infection. People with diabetes should take extra care with their feet by washing them daily (don’t soak them), completely dry your feet, do not apply lotion between your toes and try to use a pumice stone to help peel dry layers of skin. Wear proper shoes and socks to help protect your feet. Avoid wearing flip-flops and walking barefoot. Make sure there is proper circulation to your feet by putting them up when you can, wiggling your toes frequently and flexing and pointing your toes. It is recommended that people with diabetes should see their foot doctor every 2 to 3 months. Your annual foot exam includes checking the top and bottom of your feet for skin warmth and redness and an assessment of your pulse. Call a podiatrist if you notice any changes in skin color, sores, any abnormalities or foot swelling.

Should you have any questions, please contact our team here to set up an appointment online, by email at or by phone at  (845) 735-8440

River Podiatry, with locations in Pearl River NY, and Midland Park NJ, provides comprehensive, treatment of patients with podiatric issues. The practice specializes in foot surgery and the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. Expect the best possible care utilizing the most modern techniques. Make an appointment today with Rockland County and Bergen County podiatrist Dr. Han!