
Everyday men, women, and children experience pain in their hips, knees, or backs. While many factors could play into this pain, did you ever think that your feet could be the root of the issue? It’s true. When you’re walking your body puts all your body weight on each of your feet whether you’re stepping with your right or left. It’s estimated that 5 times our bodyweight gets distributed with each step.

For people with feet issues such as flat feet, this can cause pain to be distributed in other areas of their bodies such as their hips, knees or backs. Let’s discuss some common feet issues and where these issues distribute pain.

Flat Feet – Flat feet are the street term whereas hyper pronated feet are the medical term. Flat feet are often referenced to those who have a minimal arch which causes their feet to appear flat. Because the arch is missing, this causes many flat feet people to walk with their feet inwards which in return, can cause tendinitis.

Poor Foot Architecture – Poor foot architecture is the root of many knee issues because people who have poor foot architecture need their knees to work extra to compensate for misalignment.

Hypersupination – This is the opposite of flat feet. Hypersupination is when a person has high arches and their feet roll outwards when walking. This causes excess strain on outer leg muscles.

All of these can cause excess stress on your hips or back. If hip, knee or back pain has become an annoyance to your everyday life, it’s a good idea to go visit a podiatrist (foot and ankle specialist) and learn more about solutions to your problem. A solution might be something as simple as getting a special pair of walking shoes designed for your foot issue.

Jungwoo HanRiver Podiatry