5 Home Remedies For Blisters

Blisters can happen often but they are easy to fix and heal. Here are 5 home remedies to help you with that.

  1. Let’s start with prevention: Make sure your shoes fit properly and are not too tight. Blisters typically occur from friction from a tight fitting shoe.

  2. Use a Band-Aid: Cover your blister to reduce and protect the irritation and contact. You can even add a small cotton ball between the sticky parts of the Band-Aid for extra cushion.

  3. Apply aloe vera gel to help reduce redness and swelling.

  4. Use caster oil: Apply it with a cotton ball or pad to help heal the blister.

  5. Lastly, you can use a sanitized pin to pop and drain the blister. Be sure to cover it up with a Band-Aid after you do this to avoid infections. Blisters can happen often but they are easy to fix and heal.

 At River Podiatry, our team is ready to serve and consult you on how to treat your blisters. Set up an appointment today to speak with our team of trusted foot health professionals.

Jungwoo Han