What you should know about Plantar Warts


Warts are encapsulated or walled off growths of viral tissue. Plantar warts on the feet are frequently painful with squeezing type pressure. In the vast majority of cases, the growth of a wart is preceded by some sort of skin puncture, wound defect or breakdown in the normal skins defense barrier that in all probability, allows an entry site for contamination. Most patients obtain warts after showering in a public place or at the swimming pool. A foot that is moist often becomes susceptible to warts. Once the wart makes a home in our skin it can spread to other parts of the foot.

A plantar wart infection accesses the skin through direct contact either through an open cut or wound or by direct or indirect contact with someone who has a wart. At first, plantar warts can be small and appear as little black dots but can grow to the size of a pencil eraser or in clusters called mosaic warts. Plantar warts are usually found on the heel and ball of the foot or other areas of pressure.


If you feel that you may have contracted a plantar wart, we recommend speaking with a podiatrist. Should you have any questions, please contact our team here to set up an appointment online, by email at info@riverpodiatry.com or by phone at (845) 735-8440.