Solutions For Common Summer Foot Problems
As the weather gets warmer, we’re spending more time outside which means that we’re more prone to foot problems. Here are 5 common foot problems that occur in the summer and their solutions:
1. Problem: Swelling
Drink more water and increase exercise to boost blood flow to your feet. Also, place your feet up on a couple pillows so that they’re on an incline helps too.
2. Problem: Sunburn
Solution: Make sure you wear and reapply waterproof sunscreen on the tops and bottoms of your feet. If they are burnt already, use aloe vera cream.
3. Problem: Cracked heels
Solution: Exfoliate and moisturize they bottoms of your feet. Use extra lotion before you go to bed.
4. Problem: Foot pain
Solution: Wear sandals with foot support or higher quality material like soft leather.
5. Problem: Blisters
Solution: Use a spray like PreHeels+ or blister preventative tape to guard against blisters.