

What are they?

Corns are the hard, thickened areas of skin frequently located on the top, ends, and outer portions of toes. Corns are our body’s response to chronic friction and pressure. The response is to build up skin to protect the area of friction. Often, an underlying section of bone beneath the corn is the culprit. As the skin builds up so does the pressure and pain to the area. III-fitting shoes, abnormal toe structure, and arthritic conditions can also be common causes of corns.

How do you treat them?

Corns are an orthopedic condition that works to accommodates the deformity. It is essential to check and modify one's shoes to minimize excessive pressure on the area involved. Quite often, wearing better fitting shoes will remedy the problem. Secondly, one should stay away from store bought medicinal pads and sharp cutting instruments as possible remedies. Self-abuse through the improper use of these items can often result in more serious damage to the skin. Another suggestion in addressing painful corn is to seek professional care. 

Appropriate care for this problem is often necessary in order to correct or prevent further progressive changes. Treating one's own foot problem is not necessarily detrimental when performed carefully and under the right conditions. The diabetic, the older aged individual, or the person with obvious circulatory problems are certainly in need of professional care and should not attempt self-treatment procedures.

There are some surgical approaches to treating corns to permanently correct the condition. It it normal to live with a non painful corn, but once the pain interrupts one's daily routine (ie. walking), it often requires professional management.