High Arches
What is it?
A high arched foot is one where there is a marked elevation of the longitudinal arch both on and off weight bearing. This type of foot by itself is usually not a problem but tends to cause other difficulties, which frequently require treatment.
A high arched foot creates excessive pressure on the ball of the foot and frequently produces thick and uncomfortable calluses. Hammertoes are also common with this foot type which can cause problems with certain shoes. The high arched foot is also notoriously known as a poor shock absorber, frequently resulting in discomfort and bursitis in the heel.
What causes it?
The three main causes of high arched feet include congenital development (at birth), trauma or injury involving nerve damage and certain neurological conditions.
It is important to thoroughly evaluate a high arched foot in order to determine its cause. It should be noted that not all high arched feet require treatment. In the absence of symptoms or progressive soft tissue changes, clinical treatment may not be warranted.
How is it treated?
The treatment of the high arched foot is directed at supporting the elevated mid section of the foot, providing shock absorptive benefits to areas in need and improving the functional mechanics of the foot and ankle. Orthotics prescribed by a foot specialist are the most effective means in helping a patient achieve these objectives. In most cases, the high arched foot responds well in a relatively short period of time to the use of orthotic, supportive devices. If the case is more severe, surgery may be required.