Book an Appointment to receive your Custom Orthotics from River Podiatry

River Podiatry has partnered with NW Podiatry Laboratories to offer Premium Custom Orthotics to the Greater New York Metropolitan Area. Our orthotics incorporate today’s most advanced glass, graphite, epoxy resin components while our patented reinforcement system and are built to serve everyday use or performance (ie. athletes).

Left to Right: Everyday Orthotics, Performance Orthotics

Left to Right: Everyday Orthotics, Performance Orthotics

Other types of orthotics available include the following:

  1. orthotics to address PTTD (posterior tibial tendon dysfunction)

  2. orthotics to address AAF (adult acquired flatfoot) 

  3. custom-made High Heel orthotics

  4. orthotics for Ski, Skate and Cycling

Left to Right: PTTD & AAF Orthotics, High Heel Orthotics, Ski/Skate/Cycle Orthotics

Left to Right: PTTD & AAF Orthotics, High Heel Orthotics, Ski/Skate/Cycle Orthotics

To learn more about our custom orthotics, tap the button below and ‘Book an Appointment’ with one of our trusted foot and ankle surgeons at River Podiatry.

We look forward to speaking with you!