The vast majority of people have experienced foot pain at some point in their life. And, whatever the cause, foot pain significantly and negatively impacts your ability to go about your everyday activities, whether it’s walking to the grocery or working out. Foot problems can result from a structural problem, such as flat feet, or they may result from a medical problem, such as diabetes or arthritis. Below are some common foot problems.

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Whenever the skin on any part of your foot rubs against your shoe or sock, a blister, which is a fluid-filled area, can form. Wearing socks with seams, poor-fitting shoes, or having feet that have become sweaty or wet from walking/hiking in the rain, for example, are situations that can lead to a blister. The key ways to reduce the risk of a blister is to buy socks that are seamless and that fits snugly without bunching. Also, make sure your shoes or boots fit properly, neither too loose nor too tight. Furthermore, make sure your feet remain dry. The best way to assure this is to wear socks, whether synthetic and/or Merino wool, that wick away sweat and dry quickly when wet. Do not wear all cotton socks, which retain moisture. If you are blister prone, applying a little Vaseline or surgical tape to the area can relieve friction, as can blister gel pads. Should you develop a small blister, apply a donut-shaped pad over it to reduce pressure on it. A large blister, however, can be quite painful and needs to be treated differently. It’s generally recommended that you wash it with soap and water, and, using a sterile needle to pierce the blister, allow the fluid to drain. Then cover it with a bandage. 

Plantar Fasciitis

This refers to an inflammation of the band of connective tissue (fascia) that runs from the heel along the sole of the foot. The result is achy or sharp pain, especially when walking or running. In fact, it’s common in joggers as well as dancers or in people engaged in other sports or activities. People who have plantar fasciitis typically have pain as soon as they get out of bed in the morning. Tight calf muscles may predispose to this condition as can bio-mechanical problems, such as rolling your foot either out too much or in too much when you walk. To treat plantar fasciitis, not only should you avoid the activities promoting the pain, and icing the sole of your foot, but you should stretch your calf muscles as well as the sole of your foot. Talk with your podiatrist to determine whether an orthotic might treat any foot problems that could be contributing to plantar fasciitis. 


This bone deformity typically affects the big toe, which veers toward the second toe, although it may even overlap that toe. People who have a bunion experience pain when wearing most shoes, even when simply sitting, though especially when walking. It’s still not clear whether a bunion results from years of wearing narrow shoes or high heels. There is some evidence that people in other parts of the world who go barefoot or wear wide shoes are less likely to have bunions. There are many things you can do to relieve the pain and swelling of a bunion, including applying ice, and buying a bunion pad or bunion-relieving gel pads help reduce friction when wearing shoes. Seek the care of a podiatrist who may recommend an orthotic and, of course, choose a wider shoe constructed of flexible material that can help. However, the only way to “cure” a bunion is to have surgery, though a bunion could recur. 

If your diabetes is affecting your feet there could be serious life-altering complications. If you notice tingling or any of the changes listed above please give my office a call today to make an appointmentEarly intervention is key to preventing serious damage to your feet. 

River Podiatry, with locations in Pearl River NY, and Midland Park NJ, provides comprehensive, treatment of patients with podiatric issues. The practice specializes in foot surgery and the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. Expect the best possible care utilizing the most modern techniques. Make an appointment today with Rockland County and Bergen County podiatrist, Dr. Han!