What Foot Problems will Need Essential Podiatry Services While You Are Social Distancing?


With the looming threat of COVID-19 the past few months, many have been practicing social distancing to protect themselves and preserve their health. As we continue to practice social distancing, it is important to continue to take care of ourselves in the event that we experience pain or discomfort. Podiatry is regarded as an “Essential Service” and our office has been operating on reduced hours to serve our community. We are available as our patients would have to con

Here the the type of issues that we would recommend you should have addressed during COVID-19:

  • Foot and leg pain that is making walking or running difficult

  • Infected ingrown toenails 

  • Chronic and worsening fungal infections that could potentially lead to a secondary infection 

  • Stress or fractured bones that would require fitting of a CAM walker or moon boot

  • Painful warts with potential to turn into ulcers 

  • Calluses and corns with potential to turn into ulcers 

  • Removal of foreign bodies (e.g. Piece of glass)

If the foot issues listed above are left untreated, it can possibly lead to seeking treatment at a hospital. With hospitals inundated due to COVID-19, it is our recommendation to have your foot issues addressed at a private office such as River Podiatry. We will continue to serve our community and follow the necessary health and safety procedures at this time. Click here to set up your appointment.

Jungwoo Han