How to make your feet look great this summer

With summer around the corner, it is important to get your feet ready. With warm weather, it often leads to rough and dry feet. There are a number of ways to maintain the look of your feet by simply following a set of guidelines and best practices. Here are our recommendations:

  1. Apply Sunscreen - when outside, it is important to protect your feet from the sun during harsh summer conditions. Remember to apply the same protection to your cuticles as you would on your skin as it is one of the fundamentals of foot care.

  2. Moisturize Frequently - at the end of the day, most of us do not have the luxury of putting up our feet and letting them breathe. We’re constantly on our feet walking around and constantly putting pressure on our heels. To address these concerns, we recommend applying moisturizer several times per day.

  3. Use a (pumice) stone - we recommend using a pumice stone to scrubs your feet on a daily basis or every other day. These stones are effective in removing dead skin such as callus build up at the bottom of your heel.

  4. Let your toes breathe – Closed off toes can often feel trapped and need to breathe to be healthy. With you nails, it is also important to let them breathe as well and possibly avoid over applying nail polish. Consider these options to give your feet a break and letting them restore their health.

Feet are an integral part of one’s appearance and they will look beautiful if you know how to take care of them. Click here to set up an appointment with our team at River Podiatry.  

Jungwoo Han