How to prevent Sweaty Feet

It is common to have sweaty feet at times, especially during the summer. Excessive sweating (also known as plantar hyperhidrosis) can be a struggle during hot summer months. Here are some techniques we’d recommend to help you prevent your feet from sweating:

  1. Stay Hydrated: By drinking lots of water, you can help regulate your body temperature and reduce the likelihood of sweating during those hot summer days.

  2. Choosing the right shoes: we would recommend shoes made from breathable fabric (eg. canvas, leather) as they’ll provide a good airflow for your feet.

  3. Apply antiperspirant: With over 125,000 sweat glands on each foot, it's important to apply antiperspirant deodorant. By applying an antiperspirant, you can easily address sweaty feet as they temporarily block the sweat glands.

  4. Antifungal powders: this is another type of remedy that can keep a foot dry and odor-free.

  5. The right socks: For the most part, wearing the right socks for the season and activity can help prevent sweaty feet. For the hot summer months, we recommend cotton socks that will enable proper ventilation.

By taking these preventative measures, you will put yourself in an ideal situation to prevent sweaty feet. Should you have any questions, please contact our team here to set up an appointment online, by email at or by phone at  (845) 735-8440

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