How Charcot Foot and Diabetes Is Connected
What is Charcot Foot?
Charcot foot is a rare and debilitating condition named after French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot that affects the structure of the foot. It is developed as a result of neuropathy, specifically when your nerves are damaged and they can’t send messages properly between your brain and feet. Your brain, in turn, struggles to control your feet and your foot muscles lose their strength. Because this also affects your joints and bones, they also weaken and can fall out of alignment resulting in abnormal pressure points on the bottom of your feet.
Charcot foot puts you at a greater risk of strains, ulcers, and fractures due to the irregular distribution of pressure. As well, the nerve damage means it is harder for your feet to tell your brain if they are in pain and you may continue on with your typical routine without knowing that there is discomfort. Many people with Charcot foot find that their feet are swollen because of inflammation, and if the arches have collapsed, your feet will look bowed.
How is Charcot foot and Diabetes Related?
Charcot foot is included in the foot conditions associated with diabetes. People with diabetes are prone to developing Charcot foot because they typically suffer from neuropathy. Because diabetes can result in high blood sugar levels, the body either produces too little insulin or is resistant to the hormone’s effects. With excessive glucose, this can have damaging effects on the vessels used to supply nerves with the blood needed, and in turn, the nerve endings suffer.
So What Should You Do?
If you have diabetes and are worried about Charcot foot, get an assessment annually. If you are diagnosed with Charcot foot, you may be asked to rest and wear a cast for a few months. This will allow muscles, bones, and joints to heal. The earlier that you are diagnosed, the more likely the treatment will be successful. Set up an appointment today to speak with our team of trusted foot health professionals.