Is It Normal For Your Feet To Be Different Sizes?

Like everything else on your body, it is normal for your feet to not be identical. Typically the left foot is larger than the right. Why? Because most people are right side dominant and therefore, it’s easier for them to keep their balance when they step forward with their left foot. This makes them rely on the right side of their body to keep them steady. This causes the left foot to be exercised more overtime and grow stronger, increasing its size.

Some Interesting Facts

  • 60% of adults have one foot that is either longer or wider than the other.

  • The difference between shoe sizes is actually very small and is only 1cm difference in length. (Example: a women’s size 5 is designed for feet that are 23.7cm long, and a size 6 is made for a foot that is 24.6 cm long)

  • Noticeable differences in size are typically linked to health issues such as spina bifida, clubfoot, and scoliosis.

  • Injuries can affect the foot’s measurement when they happen as the feet are still developing, such as being put into a cast at an early age. The foot’s muscles tend be smaller and weaker than the one not in a cast.


What You Should Do If Your Feet Are Different Sizes

If there is a noticeable difference in the size of your feet, make sure that you buy non-matching size shoes that fit your feet accordingly. If the difference is less noticeable, go for the larger size and use an insole for your smaller foot.

Set up an appointment today to speak with our team of trusted foot health professionals.

Jungwoo Han