How to Exercise Outdoors Safely during COVID-19f

With COVID-19 sweeping the entire nation and impacting everyone’s day to day activities, Americans are proactively searching for ways to normalize their everyday lives through exercise. An exercise that Americans are focusing during this time are cardiovascular activities such as walking, jogging or running. While it is important to stay active, it is just as important to stay safe during these uncertain times.

Here are tips on how to stay safe:

  1. Walk or run alone: When people congregate together and someone sneezes or coughs, droplets get onto objects that people touch, and then people touch their face. This is how COVID-19 can potentially spread. Our advice would be to run or walk alone.

  2. Keep your distance: while running or walking, ensure that you are maintaining space with other people you may run into during your activity. Remember to stay at least two (2) meters away from others at all times and avoid crowded, busy areas.

  3. Map out your route: in order to stay safe, determine your route before running to avoid unexpected crowds.

  4. Clean up when done: After your run or walk, wash your hands and discard your clothes into the laundry immediately as soon as you get home.

  5. Find other alternatives: Depending on the outbreak in your area, it could be safer to stay home and find other activities such as bodyweight exercises or running at home on a treadmill.

  6. Protect your Face: although we would not recommend wearing an N-95 face mask, we do recommend wearing a buff gaiter or other moisture-wicking face covering while running.

  7. Stay home: If you are sick or at-risk of spreading the virus, you should not go out for any reason. The bigger concern is spreading COVID-19 to those who are at high risk, such as the elderly or immunocompromised.

Should you have any questions, please contact our team here to set up an appointment online, by email at or by phone at  (845) 735-8440

Jungwoo Han