
Flat Feet occur when your foot arch collapses and comes into complete contact with the ground. Flat feet are either hereditary or occur because of age. Your podiatrist will examine your foot to diagnose this condition. Treatment may consist of arch supports, foot exercise and over the counter medications. Between 20-30 percent of the population has some degree of flat-footedness. There are few symptoms associated with having flat feet; people experience pain in the mid-foot area and there may be swelling along the inner ankle and arch. People with flat feet may experience hip, knew and lower back pain.

 Flat feet occur when your arch descends downward and inward when you walk. They cannot absorb shock and places more stress on your feet, ankles and knees. The cause and treatment differ with age. Children with flat feet tend to resolve itself but adults will have fallen arches forever.

When your bones and connective tissues collapse, this is known as fallen arches. It occurs in women over 40 and obese people. Shoes can contribute to fallen arches. Fallen arches are mostly permanent. The condition can worsen with age.

 A podiatrist will do a visual exam and some imaging tests to determine the underlying cause of flat feet. The podiatrist will look at your feet while you are standing and will have you wet your foot and step onto a smooth level surface to inspect your footprint. If you have a lot of foot pain, your doctor will order imaging test to help pinpoint the underlying cause.

Treatment comes in the form of orthotic supports. These supports change the structure of your foot and you are able to feel less pain. Also, it is important to do exercises that increase arch flexibility and strength.

If needed, you can get surgery to create an arch where you didn’t have one before. One type of surgery involves the insertion of a metal implant to support your arch. Surgery is costly and there may be extensive recovery time.

If you are suffering, look for shoes that compensate for the abnormal structure of your foot. These shoes are expensive. If you are looking for a cheaper option, get custom-made insoles to help with your arches. Although, sometimes these custom-made shoes are not necessary and all you need is a shoe that fits your foot properly.

Go to see your foot doctor if you are in pain. They will be able to help. Do not wait until the pain is unbearable because by that time, the damage is done. A podiatrist will be able to recommend the proper insoles or shoes to help your foot pain. Click here to set up an appointment with our team at River Podiatry.  

River Podiatry, with offices in Pearl River NY, & Midland Park NJ, we provide comprehensive evaluation and treatment of patients with various podiatric issues. Expect the best possible care utilizing the most modern techniques. Make an appointment today with Rockland County and Bergen County podiatrist Dr. Han!